Negotiating the Best Deal On Buying Real Estate
Negotiating the Best Deal On Buying Real Estate: How to Get the Lowest Price
The Most Cost Effective Purchase Strategy Using Financing:
Which is the Best and Cheapest Way to buy a home when financing is Involved?
1. Get lowest price on home you can, focus on loan later.
2. Get no points loan at lowest price you can negotiate.
3. Seller pays all loan costs (raising sales price by cost amount) to get best loan and buy down the rate.
Read on, the answer will shock you!
Most buyers and agents focus on getting the lowest price they can in a real estate transaction. What if I told you that this is a shortsighted strategy and will not always achieve the most savings in the long run? Isn’t that just common sense in saving money, to get the lowest price for house you are buying? No it is not when there is financing involved.
Why? Unless no financing, or loan, is involved, this is not the best approach and I will prove it to you. Buying a home and focusing only on the lowest price is only prudent when one is buying all cash. If there is a loan involved, this is the WORST way to go. The reason this is shortsighted is because with the seller’s help and the right loan, you can actually pay less for the house with the right financing rather than focusing on the lowest price. How is this possible? It si possible by leveraging the financing to your advantage, a masterful technique, that I am about to share.
This is especially true the more one finances. If the down payment is less than 20%, it never pays to focus only on the sale’s price of the property first and the loan financing second. It should be the other way around.
Ralph Migliozzi
Broker Originator
Serving Northern California
NMLS 282851 DRE #01002038
(p) 530-330-3073
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